Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Recovering Control Freak - Let Go???

I’m a recovering control freak.  My mom taught me to be a very responsible person.  Unfortunately, she taught me I was responsible for everyone else, but myself.  Learning to be responsible for myself has been challenging.

When you are responsible for everyone else, you put their happiness above your own.   That almost sounds noble, but it’s not. It means you deny who God has made you to be.  It means you don’t use your gifts and talents.   It means you are not a happy person, at least not most of the time.

When I was about 26, this started weighing on me.  By then, I was a wife and a mother of 2 wonderful children, worked fulltime, and we had moved into our first home.  I was miserable most of the time.  The short version is that I had an epiphany one day sitting in a neighborhood Girl Scout leaders meeting. I really felt like the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear.  I began to realize as much as I wanted the best for my children, God wanted the best for me, too.  If God really wanted the best for me, why was I so miserable most of the time?

Fast forward a few years, I had started practicing being responsible for myself and trusting that others really knew how to be responsible for themselves.  The people who had allowed me to be responsible for them didn’t like it so much.  They really didn’t want to be responsible for themselves.  It was a very difficult time in my life.  Not all of my relationships survived this transition.  That was painful. BUT I was becoming a healthy person both mentally, physically, psychologically, and emotionally.

Ahh, but that was only the beginning of the healing God was working in me.

The residual effect of all those years of being responsible for others had caused me to lock away my hopes and dreams.  Until, my youngest daughter went  off to college, I had not allowed myself to think about what it was I wanted to do.  But then, both my parents were diagnosed with terminal cancers and I was the primary caregiver – actually, the advocate for them.

My father died in eight very short weeks, but my mom lived for another 3 ½ years.  With caring for my mother, I really could not continue my career as a pension administrator and working 60 hour weeks plus mom’s care.  BUT I had to work.  We needed my income and my health insurance.

I went to work at my church.  Low stress, shorter hours, and health insurance.   Little did I know that I would be there 5 years.  A position opened in the church bookstore for a new manager.  And God let me see that I really wanted that job. Even though I had no retail experience, I loved books and sharing them with others.  Reading books had saved my life as a child and helped me through a divorce and more.  At first, I wouldn’t even consider the thought.  Somewhere inside of me, I didn’t believe I deserved to have what I wanted.  Or more than that, I was afraid to want anything.  I had this idea that wanting something doomed me to not having it or losing it.  But others started asking me if I might be interested in the position.  I just couldn’t bring myself to feel how much I wanted to manage the bookstore.  As more people came to me, I began to think I might actually have a chance of getting this position.  And then, I let myself feel how much I wanted the job.  I mean I really wanted the job and I thought God was going to give it to me.  By this time, my mom was in an assisted living care facility.  It was near the church and I was able to stop by going and coming to see how she was.  There was space enough for me to actually have this thing I wanted. I applied. Went through the interviews, answered all the questions, took all the tests.  And Sharon in human resources told me she thought I would be perfect for it.  And , she gave the job to someone else.

I was devastated.  I had waited almost 25 years to finally allow myself to speak out that I wanted something, it seemed within my grasp, and it was taken away.  I was angry, sad, disappointed, frustrated, and mad at God for letting me want it when he knew I wasn’t going to get it.  I told him that was it!  I was never going to want anything again like that. It was just that the bookstore seemed like the perfect place for me, like it was designed for me.  How could I not have gotten the job?

My anger and disappointment lasted about 2 months.  I was tired of being miserable.  And so, we talked.  “You know God, I really do believe you want the best for me. AND if I really believe that then I also have to believe there is a reason that is beyond my ability to see that you didn’t allow me have this job. AND I realized I was grateful for the experience of dreaming again.  I had so forgotten how to dream.  It was a good feeling to dream and plan for something that I wanted.  I am letting go.  I am waiting to see what “you” have in store for me and what I am to learn from this or why you wanted that other person in the role.  In the meantime, I will be content with where I am.”

Almost exactly, twelve months later, my associate pastor came to me and asked if he could talk to me. Because of changes they were making, the bookstore was going to need a new manager.  He had heard that I had been interested in the position the year before and wondered if I was still interested.  I told him I was surprised they were making a change, and I would need to get back to him. 

That night I struggled with the question, did I even want the job anymore?  I wasn’t sure.  Was this where God wanted me now?  Again, I wasn’t sure, but I did know that my position was being eliminated and if I didn’t take this job, I would need to go job hunting.  And yet, I still wasn’t sure.  I knew I could not continue working that the church in a support role.  Coming from the corporate world, I had been used to having my own work to do.  Working at the church had forced me regress to the kind of work I had done when I was young.  I was working below my capabilities and capacity.  It was time for me to move on or into a role of responsibility.  Running the bookstore would give me the kind autonomy and responsibility I was used to having. 

Still, I was not sure.  Knowing that they were terminating the bookstore manager immediately, I agreed to give it a 90 days trial.  This would allow us both to try it on for size.  With no retail experience, could I really turn the bookstore around?   At the end of 90 days, I knew.  This was the place for me.  At the end of that year, working with my team the bookstore increased sales by 50% and had its first profitable year in the 15 year history of the bookstore. We had a lot of fun together.  Served and ministered to everyone who walked through our doors.  It was a very powerful time for me and the team I worked with.  It became my ministry.

I am grateful that I had those twelve months to let go and let God.  If I had been in the bookstore when I wanted, I would not have worked with the Empower ministry – Mark, Kande, Matt, Nancy, and Jim.  Working with that team shifted something for me and helped equip and prepare me to run the bookstore.  It also gave me time to build a long term friendship.  

Letting go of my fear, my anger, disappointment and letting God be in control was huge lesson.  It increased my capacity to trust God in all things - to know that even when bad things and disappointment happen, He is standing with me.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mother's Day - We are standing until everyone has a seat

Five years ago, I began standing with others on Mother’s Day.

The origin of Mother’s Day in the United States was not about brunch, cards, or flowers.  Those things are nice, but not what the day is really about. We have forgotten and need to reclaim that memory and intention.

In the 1800s, two women left their mark on the beginnings of Mother’s Day, Julia Ward Howe and Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis. These women were interested in creating engaged citizens – activists. In their day, the issues were improved health, sanitation, working conditions, and ending violence.  I can only guess that they chose to use Mother’s Day because they were mothers and were dismayed to think of their children suffering in this world they brought them into or harming another woman’s child.  I think fathers feel the same way.

While health, sanitation, and working conditions have improved in much of the world; violence has not. AND there are still children without clean drinking water, adequate food, access to education, or safety from violence.

It grieves my heart to think of the children that are suffering when there is so much abundance in this world.

The world tells us there isn’t enough of everything to invite everyone to the table, things are scarce and we need to get ours, take care of our own.  The world has grown too small for us to continue to hold on to this way of thinking and feeling. Scarcity thinking creates fear.  When we make our decisions based on fear instead of love, it is likely we will harm others. There is plenty of evidence in the world to support this theory.

This Mother’s Day, we invite you and your loved ones to stand for Love - to take back this day and help move the world with your love for one another and this beautiful blue orb we live on - to make room at the table for everyone.

Please stop waiting for our governments to do what we as citizens of the world can do for ourselves. This is not a game of musical chairs where only one person is the winner and has a seat at the table.  [It would be very lonely to be the only person at the table.]  Everyone deserves to be at the table. Come stand with me to help bring more chairs to the table for everyone to have a seat.

I am standing on Mother’s Day, May 8 at 1pm at Hyde Park Square’s fountain and ringing my bell and holding the world in love. Come join me where ever you are and know we are standing together.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Building Community - One Act of Kindness

A few weeks ago, as I drove through an intersection (I was the 4th car back and had arrived just as the light turned green) - the cars in front of me were swerving to the left to go around a stack of lumber that was in the middle of the intersection.  As my brain slowly processed what I was watching, I saw a man get out of a pick-up truck and walk toward the lumber.  He started sliding the lumber out of the intersection and closer to his truck.

I continued through the intersection and pulled into the parking space in front of Panera's.  I was heading there for a quick breakfast.  My brain continued to process what I had just seen.  Oh, if we all stopped and helped the man, we could clear the intersection quickly and have him on his way in no time. The whole many hands make light work kind of thing.  BUT, my brain reminded me no one around the man's truck was helping him. Ugh!

Then, I locked up my purse in my trunk and walked the short distance of about half of a football length to the intersection.  As I was approaching his truck, to my left, I saw a man had parked his car in an empty lot next to the 6 lane road and was also headed to the man's truck.  We arrived at about the same time.  Together, he and I grabbed two long boards and carried it to the back of the truck to be loaded.

For a brief moment, I thought - oh yeah. Now others will get out of their cars and help too.  BUT no.  I was wrong.  In short order, the lumber was loaded.  With a thank you I appreciate your help, he was on his way.

Who have you driven/walked past that you could have paused and helped?  Really, it is okay to get our of your car, step across the street - to help each other.

Creating a New Way of Being in the World - one act at a time

A few weeks ago, as I drove through an intersection (I was the 4th car back and had arrived just as the light turned green) - the cars in front of me were swerving to the left to go around a stack of lumber that was in the middle of the intersection.  As my brain slowly processed what I was watching, I saw a man get out of a pick-up truck and walk toward the lumber.  He started sliding the lumber out of the intersection and closer to his truck.

I continued through the intersection and pulled into the parking space in front of Panera's.  I was heading there for a quick breakfast.  My brain continued to process what I had just seen.  Oh, if we all stopped and helped the man, we could clear the intersection quickly and have him on his way in no time. The whole many hands make light work kind of thing.  BUT, my brain reminded me no one around the man's truck was helping him. Ugh!

Then, I locked up my purse in my trunk and walked the short distance of about half of a football length to the intersection.  As I was approaching his truck, to my left, I saw a man had parked his car in an empty lot next to the 6 lane road and was also headed to the man's truck.  We arrived at about the same time.  Together, he and I grabbed two long boards and carried it to the back of the truck to be loaded.

For a brief moment, I thought - oh yeah. Now others will get out of their cars and help too.  BUT no.  I was wrong.  In short order, the lumber was loaded.  With a thank you I appreciate your help, he was on his way.

Who have you driven/walked past that you could have paused and helped?  Really, it is okay to get our of your car, step across the street - to help each other.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Grief - February 3, 2001

Something prompted me look at this email again and to post it on my blog.  I wondered why.  Then I remembered. It is getting close to the date that my mother died - only eight days before her 75th birthday.  

A few weeks ago, a friend asked me if I had any words to give her to help comfort a friend. Here is what I told her.

"I have been sitting with your invitation to help you with words to comfort a friend.  I am honored by it. I hope that what you say is true - that my words sometimes help to comfort or advise another. 

This woman has played a significant role in your life in making the connection for you and your husband.

For this woman who is about to lose a 4th husband to death, I find it overwhelming to even think about living through the grief of losing three husbands. I suspect she holds more wisdom in her on this subject than you and I will ever have - or at least I hope neither of us ever learns.

I suspect she knows all that I am about to say and more - and so my words are more for you than her.

The one thing I am learning about death and loss (I do not want to act like I have "learned" it, yet.) - is that each of us finds our own way through these things if we are given the space.  I have found knowing  someone is "standing" with you means more than words could ever say. 

I’ve learned that grief comes in waves and in the beginning the waves are so big and violent it feels like they are going to rip you apart and carry you away...and it gets better.  The waves get smaller and farther apart...and never totally go away.  Hearing a train whistle still takes me to the joy I experienced with my father and the sadness that I feel that he is not on this planet anymore.  It becomes bittersweet.

As I have lived through the grief in my life and observed others doing the same, it seems the capacity  for gratitude and being present in the moment - letting go of the what ifs, if onlys, and what might have beens, helps tremendously.

Gratitude for my spiritual life, belief that I am part of something bigger than myself, the beauty and elegance of a sunrise, this planet - these pleasures and more help carry me through these times.  Knowing I have a friend who will stand with me - not fixing, saving, rescuing, or giving me advice - but standing with me means a lot.

I envy other cultures that have a process of grief - and the community respects it.  Too often, in our culture, I hear people speak out of their discomfort with your grief and their own. They try to "move" you along by saying things like, “he's gone, get over it.”

Saying to another, I am here.  I am prepared to listen and not speak.  I am prepared to sit with my own discomfort to create a vessel of safety for you to be.

I hope there is something in all that I have offered as a gift. Take what you need and leave the rest. Peace.