Friday, February 20, 2009

Random Chaos


Definition: haphazard, chance
Synonyms: accidental, adventitious, aimless, arbitrary, casual, contingent, designless, incidental, indiscriminate, irregular, objectless, odd, unconsidered, unplanned, unpremeditated


1. A condition or place of great disorder or confusion.
2. A disorderly mass; a jumble.
3. often Chaos The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe.
4. Mathematics A dynamical system that has a sensitive dependence on its initial conditions.

Sometimes I think of my life as "random chaos". A series of events, connections, meetings, phone calls, emails, chance encounters - and yet, somehow they are all connected and provide me with answers I did not know I was seeking and learnings I need now and in the future.

I am a dynamic system that has a sensitive dependence on my initial conditions...

For many years now, (maybe it started 30 years ago?) I have been on a journey that I could not have planned and yet, looking back, I am beginning to see how these random chaotic events have brought me here. Order out of Chaos...

30 years ago, I took my first transformative workshop. It was the life skill courses at College Hill Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati. They changed my life forever. I am still on that journey and it feels like things are beginning to come together. Would I have arrived at this space if I had not had that experience?

My intent with this blog is to give myself a place to bear witness to this journey as I continue to discover myself.

My blogs will not be tied together in a nice neat bow - but they are all connected to each other by beautiful fine strands of community where I have found them.


  1. hi elaine, welcome to blog land. i am glad you are pressing out and using your voice. enjoy! i love the name random chaos! here's to continued change and hope and growth and surprises on the journey. talk to you soon. peace, kathy

  2. I too like the random chaos name! I've subscribed to your blog feed, looking forward to reading future posts!

  3. thank you both for your kind words - I like hearing that.
